Sleeping problems affect millions of Americans: Almost 7 of 10 have occasional sleep issues, and about 20 percent have chronic sleep problems, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Poor sleep does more than sap your energy. It affects your memory, your safety, and your health. Sleep disorders that go untreated have been associated with depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other disease. You wouldn't suffer through weeks of the flu without treating it, so find out what you can do about chronic poor sleep.
Schedule Afternoon Workouts
Exercising regularly can help you sleep better, but not if you're doing it an hour before hitting the sack. The hormone changes a workout brings make it difficult to wind down, said Sanjeev Kothare, MD, an associate professor and director of pediatric sleep medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. The best time to work out is in the late afternoon because exercise will raise your body temperature, and it will drop about six hours later, when you're ready for bed. Cooler temperatures are a signal to your body that it's time to sleep.
Drop Extra Pounds
The number one cause of sleep problems is sleep apnea, and rising levels of obesity are leading to more and more people developing obstructive sleep apnea, Dr. Kothare said. Sleep apnea causes you to stop breathing temporarily numerous times through the night, which disrupts your sleep and causes low blood oxygen levels; this in turn may lead to serious health problems including heart disease. It's important to get treated for sleep apnea if you have it. Losing weight by making your diet healthier and exercising can often cure it.
Guide Your Body to a Relaxed State
In a 2011 study of 30 people with insomnia, published in the journal Explore, researchers found that when people received training in mindfulness meditation and continued to meditate at home, they reported improvements in sleep that were comparable to those of people taking a sleeping pill. Mindfulness meditation, which is helpful for stress reduction, involves sitting in a comfortable position and focusing on your breathing. Kothare suggests meditating within a half-hour of going to sleep.

Stick to a Shut-Eye Schedule
Designate regular sleep hours and keep them all week and on the weekends, Kothare suggested. He recommended getting an average of 8.5 hours of sleep a night. Raymond Hall, DC, a chiropractor at Pacific Coast Sports Medicine in Los Angeles, said that if you climb into bed about 8 hours before the sun rises, you'll get into the correct circadian rhythm to encourage natural melatonin production, a hormone that regulates sleepiness.
Swap Your Pillow for a Better One
Another primary reason people have sleeping problems is chronic pain, Dr. Hall said. Swapping an ordinary pillow, which doesn't support the head and neck, for a therapeutic support pillow when you have neck pain, may help you fall asleep faster and get more restful sleep. Therapeutic sleeping pillows range from $30 to $200. Hall created the sleeping pillow called Pillo1, which is designed to offer support whether you sleep on your back or your side.
Make It Dark and Quiet
The best sleep-inducing environment is dimly lit with little noise. Turn down the lights, use curtains that block out the sun or eye shades if you need to, turn off the television and all electronic devices, and wear ear plugs if there's noise you can't control. Some people like the white noise of a fan or humidifier to drown out local traffic or train sounds.
Spend a Night in a Sleep Clinic
An experienced and well-trained certified sleep physician should be able to find the cause of your insomnia and give you specific treatment options, Kothare said. In general, it's a good idea to get a sleep study if you regularly have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, if you snore or gasp for breath in your sleep, if your legs are active at night, if you're so tired during the day that you have trouble functioning, or if you have chronic daytime sleepiness that lasts longer than a few weeks.
Consider Sleeping Pills with Caution
Sleeping pills can be effective for insomnia, especially when they're combined with cognitive behavior therapy, Kothare said. However, sleeping pills should be used for only a short time — up to 3 months — and you should always take them under the guidance of a sleep physician, he stressed. Some drugs may become addicting, stop being effective, and could cause unwanted daytime side effects. One class of sleeping pills, called hypnotics and including benzodiazepines, is very effective but can cause rebound insomnia when you stop taking them as well as possible daytime sleepiness. Another popular sleeping pill is melatonin. However, melatonin, like other supplements sold over the counter, isn't regulated so its possible side effects aren't well established.
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