
What is diabetic nephropathy

What is diabetic nephropathy
What is diabetic nephropathy, how to control? Diabetic nephropathy is commonly referred to as diabetic microangiopathy caused by diabetes - diabetic glomerulosclerosis, diabetic renal arteriosclerosis and pyelonephritis. The main feature of the lesion is glomerular (capillary plexus within the kidneys) localized or diffuse sclerosis. Glomerular sclerosis is mainly caused by long-term high blood sugar to the glomerular basement membrane on the glomerular glycoprotein and glycosylated protein increased basement membrane thickening, increased permeability, and hypertension, autoimmune, genetic, etc. factor. Thus, the occurrence and development of diabetic nephropathy and diabetes control is good or bad to the length of the course of disease is closely related to clinical research found that effective control of diabetes can stop or delay the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy. At present, diabetic nephropathy is still one of the most serious complications of diabetes, diabetes is one of the most important causes of death.
 According to clinical manifestations of diabetic nephropathy can be divided into: common in patients with a history of more than 10 years, is the main cause of death in type 1 diabetes is divided into five: : increased glomerular filtration rate and renal volume increased to feature. This initial lesion is consistent with hyperglycemia, but is reversible and can be restored by insulin therapy, but does not necessarily completely restore normal glomerular hypertrophy leading to increased filtration.
period: the urinary albumin excretion rate is normal but the glomerular structure has been changed. This period of urinary albumin excretion rate (UAE) normal (<20μg / min or <30mg / 24h), UAE increased after exercise rest after rest. Glomerular capillary basement membrane (GBM) thickening and increased mesangial matrix, GFR more than normal and consistent with the blood glucose levels, GFR> 150mL / min patients with glycated hemoglobin often > 9.5%. GFR> 150mL / min and UAE> 30μg / min after the patients more likely to develop clinical diabetic nephropathy. Diabetic renal damage in patients with stage , more normal blood pressure. , GFR patients increased, UAE normal, so the two can not be called diabetic nephropathy protein filtration stage : also known as early diabetic nephropathy. Urinary albumin excretion rate of 20 ~ 200μg / min, the patient's blood pressure increased slightly, began to appear abandoned glomerular. period: clinical diabetic nephropathy or dominant diabetic nephropathy. This phase is characterized by massive albuminuria (greater than 3.5 grams per day), edema and hypertension. Diabetic nephropathy is more serious edema, poor response to diuretics. Stage V: end-stage renal failure. Diabetic patients once the persistent urinary protein development for clinical diabetic nephropathy, due to extensive glomerular basement membrane thickening, glomerular capillary luminal stenosis and more glomerular waste, renal filtration function decreased, Leading to renal failure. The progress of diabetic nephropathy in each patient is different, and some patients with mild proteinuria sustainable for many years, while renal function has remained normal. Some patients with minimal proteinuria, but soon developed into severe proteinuria ( 3 to 5 g / day) such patients with poor prognosis.

 Treatment of diabetic nephropathy principles: strict control of blood sugar, blood sugar as close to normal levels as possible to prevent and delay the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy; delay the rate of renal dysfunction; dialysis treatment and kidney transplantation. Prevention and treatment of diabetic nephropathy: 1. Strict control of blood sugar, before the emergence of clinical diabetic nephropathy, that is, early in the diabetes, insulin pump or subcutaneous insulin injections to strictly control diabetes, so that blood sugar remained normal, can delay or even prevent diabetes The occurrence and development of nephropathy, reduce the increased glomerular filtration rate and improve microalbuminuria. Other complications are also beneficial. According to the DCCT study, T1DM with intensive insulin therapy, the incidence of diabetic nephropathy decreased by 35 %% - 55 %%. Has been developed to clinical diabetic nephropathy, there are significant proteinuria, blood glucose control to help the development of its disease smaller. After the emergence of clinical diabetic nephropathy, hypoglycemic drugs should generally use insulin. 2. Control of high blood pressure, high blood pressure will promote the development of renal failure, effective antihypertensive treatment can slow down the rate of glomerular filtration rate, reduce urinary albumin excretion. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor antagonists can be used as the drug of choice, often in combination with other antihypertensive drugs. Other antihypertensive agents such as calcium antagonists, diuretics, beta-blockers, methyldopa, clonidine, etc. are also effective. Diabetic patients with blood pressure 130 / 80mmHg should use antihypertensive drugs, should be controlled at 130 / / 80mmHg the following. Treatment with antihypertensive drugs, the relatively healthy glomerular glomerular capillary pressure drop and continue to survive, but has been completely blocked the glomerular obstruction, water can not be filtered, the protein can not leak. It was observed that blood pressure decreased from 160 / 95mmHg to 135/85-mmHg, urinary protein excretion was significantly reduced glomerular filtration rate decreased from lml / / min · month to 0.35ml / / min · month . Diabetic nephropathy patients also significantly longer survival, antihypertensive treatment 10 years before the cumulative mortality rate of 50 %% - 70 %%, after treatment down to 18 %%. Antihypertensive therapy is also beneficial for diabetic retinopathy. 3. Diabetic nephropathy has occurred in patients with restricted protein intake, an appropriate diet to reduce the amount of protein (0.8 / kg · d) can reduce glomerular pressure, reduce high filtration and reduce proteinuria. On the contrary, to high-protein diet will aggravate glomerular histological lesions. Renal dysfunction has occurred should limit the intake of protein, and should eat essential amino acids with high protein. 4. Patients with advanced dialysis and renal transplantation can be implemented, once the emergence of renal failure, dialysis and kidney transplantation is the only effective way. Kidney transplantation is the best way to treat diabetes uremia, better than dialysis. Patients> 65 years old are poorly transplanted. 5. Attention to personal hygiene to prevent the occurrence of urinary tract infections. 6. Avoid the use of drugs harmful to the kidneys.

Renal parenchymal hypertension

Renal parenchymal hypertension
Renal parenchymal hypertension diagnosis depends on: (1) history of renal parenchymal disease; proteinuria, hematuria and renal dysfunction occurred before or at the same time in hypertension; (2) physical examination often have anemia appearance, kidney mass Serum creatinine, uric acid, blood glucose, blood lipid determination; 24-hour urinary protein or urinary albumin / creatinine ratio (ACR (serum creatinine, urinary albumin, creatinine); ), 12h urinary sediment examination, such as proteinuria, hematuria and urinary white blood cells increased, you need to further the middle of urine culture, urine protein electrophoresis, urine phase contrast microscopy, clear urine protein, red blood cells and exclude infection; Kidney size and shape, and whether the tumor; found kidney volume and shape abnormalities, or found in the tumor, you need to do further renal CT / MRI to diagnose and check the cause; fundus examination; if necessary, the condition of the hospital line kidney Puncture and pathology, which is the diagnosis of renal parenchymal disease of the "gold standard." (4) renal hypertension and renal hypertension need to be caused by renal damage and pregnancy-induced hypertension phase identification, the former often preceded the occurrence of renal disease or hypertension at the same time with it; high blood pressure and difficult to control, easy to progress to Malignant hypertension; proteinuria / hematuria occurred early, severe degree, impaired renal function significantly. Pregnancy within 20 weeks of hypertension with proteinuria or hematuria, and prone to pre-eclampsia or eclampsia, there are still high blood pressure after childbirth, renal parenchymal hypertension. Renal parenchymal hypertension treatment should include low-salt diet (daily <6g); a large number of proteinuria and renal insufficiency, should choose a high intake of high-value protein, and limited to 0.3-0.6g / kg / d; In patients with proteinuria should be preferred ACEI or ARB as antihypertensive drugs; long-acting calcium channel blockers, diuretics, β-blockers, antihypertensive drugs, Α blockers can be used as a combination therapy drugs; such as glomerular filtration rate <30ml / min or a large number of proteinuria, thiazide diuretics ineffective, loop diuretics should be used in the treatment of about 90% of the kidney Essential hypertension is due to Shuinazhuliu and blood volume expansion due. When the renal parenchymal lesions make the kidneys lose excretion diet contains the right amount (not excessive) water, salt, it will cause water, sodium retention in the body, thereby causing excessive blood volume caused by high blood pressure. This mechanism occurs as long as there is mild renal insufficiency. Plasma renin and angiotensin II (A II) levels are usually low in these patients. its

Hypertension can limit the water, salt intake or by dialysis to remove excess water, salt to achieve the purpose of lowering blood pressure. Whether unilateral or bilateral renal parenchymal disorders, almost every kidney disease can cause high blood pressure. Usually glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis, polycystic kidney disease, congenital renal hypoplasia and other diseases, if the disease is more extensive and associated with vascular disease or renal ischemia more extensive, often accompanied by high blood pressure. For example, diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis often due to extensive disease, severe renal ischemia, hypertension is very common; the other hand, minimal change, focal proliferative nephritis rarely hypertension. Renal tuberculosis, kidney stones, renal amyloidosis, hydronephrosis, pure pyelonephritis, renal medullary cyst disease and other major manifestations of interstitial damage of renal tubular lesions produce less chance of hypertension. However, these diseases once developed to affect glomerular function often appear high blood pressure. Therefore, the incidence of renal parenchymal hypertension and glomerular function status is closely related. Glomerular dysfunction, blood pressure tends to rise, end-stage renal failure, the incidence of hypertension up to 83%.

Why Can't I Breathe?

  Why Can't I Breathe?

  It's not a surprise to find yourself short of breath after a workout. But are you out of air when you're at rest, or even lying down? If so, it might be a sign of a larger problem. You need to get it checked out by your doctor right away.
  Shortness of breath is a symptom of a lot of medical conditions. Watch out for other issues that may go along with your airflow problem.
  Your breathing trouble could be an allergy to a food, pet, or something in the air. Your immune system -- the body's defense against germs -- treats those things like a foreign invader that needs to be fought off.
  Besides shortness of breath, you might have:
  Hives or rash
  Coughing, sneezing, or runny nose
  Watery eyes
  Tightness in the throat
  Trouble swallowing or swelling of your tongue
  Some common foods that some people are allergic to are eggs, milk, nuts, shellfish, and wheat. Things in the air that can set off your allergies are dust, pollen, and pet dander -- tiny pieces of skin that are shed by cats, dogs, and other animals.
  Your doctor can give you tests that pinpoint the triggers for your allergies. Medications, such as antihistamines, can help relieve many symptoms. Your doctor may also recommend immunotherapy, a long-term treatment plan that involves regular injections.
  It might feel like someone is sitting on your chest or you can't get enough air in or out. You take short breaths to try to get as much in.
  Asthma is one of the most common lung diseases. It can be triggered by something you're allergic to, like pollen, or from an irritant in the air, like smoke. Stress, exercise, or even a change in the weather can set it off.
  In addition to shortness of breath, it can cause:
  Tightness in the chest
  To keep it under control, work with your doctor to create a treatment plan. First, avoid all triggers except exercise, which is important for your overall health.
  You can try two kinds of medicines. One is for long-term control and the other is for quick relief.
  Atrial Fibrillation
  Your heart works hard for you your whole life. But sometimes its rhythm gets off-kilter. When it skips a beat or flutters in an unusual way, it's known as atrial fibrillation (AFib). The upper chambers of your heart quiver, and it can become less effective at pumping blood. This can lead to blood clots, stroke, and heart failure.
  When you have AFib, you'll notice some other symptoms besides shortness of breath.
  Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  Chest pains
  Doctors can treat your AFib with medications, but you can also keep it in check by some lifestyle changes, such as drinking less coffee.
  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  It's a type of lung disease that mainly involves two conditions: long-term bronchitis and emphysema. It's generally caused by smoking.
  Over time, your lung tissue gets damaged, and you find it harder to draw air in and out of your lungs.
  Some other signs of COPD are:
  Frequent respiratory infections
  Blue lips or fingernails
  Too much phlegm or mucus
  COPD can be managed with medication, but there's no cure, and it gets worse over time. A change in lifestyle, including exercise and eating right, can help. You may need doses of extra oxygen from a tank or another device. Your doctor might recommend surgery to repair your damaged lungs.
  Is It Because I Quit Smoking?
  If you've been smoking for a while, it shouldn't be a surprise if you can't breathe as well. Of the many health problems that come with tobacco, lung disease is at the top.
  But you may not realize that when you stop lighting up, you can have short stints where you can't catch your breath.
  As you smoke, you damage your lungs. It can take a while for them to heal once you've stopped. Aside from trouble breathing, you can have:
  Craving for cigarettes or nicotine
  Intense hunger
  Trouble concentrating
  Sore throat
  Trouble sleeping
  After you put out your last cigarette, your ability to breathe normally should return in 1 to 9 months. It depends on how long and heavily you smoked.
  What Can I Do About Shortness of Breath?
  Don't ignore your breathing troubles or put off getting help. Your body is trying to tell you something important. Get in touch with your doctor to find the source of the problem and learn how to get relief. Once you've got a diagnosis, you'll be one step closer to breathing easier.

 ImmuneSystem Reboots During Sleep

  ImmuneSystem Reboots During Sleep
  Blood samples were taken from 14 healthy young men, average age 25, when they slept through the night and again when they stayed awake all night. The samples were analyzed for levels of T-cells, which are white blood cells that are the foundation of the immune system.
  When the participants got a full night's sleep, levels of all types of T-cells fell within three hours of falling asleep. But T-cell levels stayed high when the volunteers stayed awake all night.
  It's not clear where T-cells went when they left the bloodstream during sleep. But, previous research suggests they may accumulate in lymph nodes, according to the authors of the study published recently in the American Journal of Physiology -- Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology.
  The rapid fall in T-cell levels in the blood during sleep shows "that even one night without sleep affects the adaptive immune system," study first author Luciana Besedovsky said in a journal news release. "This might be one reason why regular sleep is so important for general health."
  Besedovsky is a researcher in the Department of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology at the University of Tubingen in Germany.

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 6 Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

  6 Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore
Or you can just consult our online doctor for timely help. They are online for 24hours every day.

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  Most aches and pains aren't a sign of something serious, but certain symptoms should be checked out. See a doctor if you feel any of these things:
  1. Weakness in Your Arms and Legs
  If you get weak or numb in your arm, leg, or face, it can be a sign of a stroke, especially if it's on one side of your body.
  You could also be having a stroke if you can't keep your balance, feel dizzy, or have trouble walking.
  Get help quickly if you suddenly can't see well, get a bad headache, feel confused, or have problems speaking or understanding.
  "Caught early, it is often reversible," says internist Jacob Teitelbaum, MD.
  Don't wait to see a doctor. Call 911. If you get a clot-buster drug within 4.5 hours of your first symptom, you can lower your risk of long-term disability from stroke
  2. Chest Pain
  When it comes to chest pain, it's better to be safe than sorry.
  "Any chest pain, especially accompanied by sweating, pressure, shortness of breath, or nausea, should be evaluated by a medical professional right away," says Shilpi Agarwal, MD, with One Medical Group in Washington, DC.
  Chest pain or pressure can be a sign of heart disease or a heart attack, particularly if you feel it during exertion or while being active. Or, chest pain may mean problems other than with your heart; for example, you have another serious condition, such as a blood clot moving into your lung, Teitelbaum says.
  If your chest feels tight or heavy, and it lasts more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back again, get help. Don't try to tough it out.
  3. Tenderness and Pain in the Back of Your Lower Leg
  This can be a symptom of a blood clot in your leg. It's called deep vein thrombosis, or DVT. It can happen after you've been sitting for a long time, like on a long plane ride, or if you're sick and have been in bed a long time.
  If it's a blood clot, you may feel the pain mostly when you stand or walk. You may also notice swelling. The leg is usually red and tender, and it will be larger than the other leg.
  It's normal to feel tenderness after exercise. But if you also see redness and feel heat where it's swollen or painful, call your doctor.
  Teitelbaum says you can also check for what's called the Homans sign. "If you flex your toes upward and it hurts, that's also suggestive of a blood clot," he says. "But don't rely on that. If it's hot, red, and swollen on one side, go to the ER."
  It's important to catch a blood clot before it can break off and block your blood flow, which can lead to complications.
  4. Blood in Your Urine
  Several things can cause you to see blood when you pee.
  If you have blood in your urine and you also feel a lot of pain in your side or in your back, you may have kidney stones. A kidney stone is a small crystal made of minerals and salts that forms in your kidney and moves through the tube that carries your urine.
  Your doctor may take X-rays or do an ultrasound to see the stones. An X-ray uses radiation in low doses to make images of structures inside your body. An ultrasound makes images with sound waves.
  Many kidney stones eventually pass through your body when you pee. It can be very painful. Sometimes your doctor may need to remove the kidney stone.
  If you see blood in your urine and you also have an increase in feeling that you urgently need to pee, make frequent trips to the bathroom, or feel burning when you urinate, you may have a severe bladder or kidney infection, Teitelbaum says. Don't wait to see your doctor, especially if you have a fever.
  If you see blood but don't feel any pain, it may be a sign of kidney or bladder cancer, so visit your doctor.
  5. Wheezing
  Breathing problems should be treated right away. If you're wheezing, or hear a whistling sound when you breathe, see your doctor.
  "Without urgent evaluation, breathing can quickly become labored, and it can be catastrophic if not evaluated and treated quickly," Agarwal says.
  It may be from asthma, a lung disease, a severe allergy, or exposure to chemicals. Your doctor can figure out what's causing it and how to treat it. If you have allergic asthma, an allergist or pulmonologist (lung specialist) will create a plan to manage it and reduce flare-ups.
  Wheezing can also be caused by pneumonia or bronchitis. Are you coughing up yellow or green mucus? Do you also have a fever or shortness of breath? If so, you may have bronchitis that's turning into pneumonia. "Time to see your doctor," Teitelbaum says.
  6. Suicidal Thoughts
  If you feel hopeless or trapped, or think you have no reason to live, get help. Talking to a professional can help you make it through a crisis.
  Go to a hospital emergency room or a walk-in clinic at a psychiatric hospital. A doctor or mental health professional will talk to you, keep you safe, and help you get through this tough time.
  You can also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). It's free and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's confidential, so you can feel safe about sharing your thoughts.
Or you can just consult our online doctor for timely help. They are online for 24hours every day.

Or you can add Whatsapp:+8618330162295 is also available for you. 

Diabetic nephropathy in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy prescription

Diabetic nephropathy in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy prescription
(1) 60 grams of dried corn, potassium chloride 1 gram. Corn must be washed with water, and then add 500 ml of water, fry to 250 ml, morning and evening 2 sub-service. At the same time, serving potassium chloride 1 g, 3 times a day. Applicable to various types of diabetic nephropathy. Daily diet need to pay attention to, regular exercise to improve immunity. Diabetic nephropathy in the prescription
(2) live carp 2 (each about 50 grams), Burnet 15 to 30 grams, 9 to 15 grams of fresh rhubarb. Wash the fish, boiled with the above traditional Chinese medicine, half an hour before going to bed to eat fish soup. 1 day, 3 to 5 for a course of treatment. Applicable to various types of diabetic nephropathy. Stay up early to get up early can not stay up late, you can avoid sub-health, not easy to get sick. Treatment of diabetic nephropathy prescription
(3) Purple single head of garlic, castor seed 60 to 70 tablets. Will be two drug skin and shell off, with a mash (not placed too long), divided into two equal parts, respectively, coating the soles of the feet Yongquan, topical cellophane covered with a bandage tie, coating 1 week. Such as the effect is not good, then the top coating 7 days. Forbidden oral. Applicable to various types of diabetic nephropathy. Water is easily absorbed through the cell membrane by the body, so that human organs in the lactate dehydrogenase activity increased, thus effectively improve the body's resistance to disease and immunity.
(4) a centipede, a raw egg. The centipede head to the end of drying for the end of the egg from the pre-knock knocked into the egg inside the mixing, external wet paper and loess package simmer cooked, stripped of eggs to eat, eat a day, 7 days for a course of treatment. Such as urinary protein is not retired, and then served a few courses. Two courses in the middle separated by 3 days. Eggs should be included in the total daily intake of eggs during the heat. This side with hyperlipidemia should not be taken. Ill need more maintenance is not easy, often exercise to improve the immune system.
(5) black sesame seeds, walnuts, 500 grams each for a material. Two things are sent to the next warm water, each 10 grams, after serving service jujube 3, 3 times a day. After serving a material for a course of treatment. Medication should be regularly checked during urine routine, if the protein disappeared, the first 4 months can be separated by 1 to 2 days to take 1, after serving service jujube 3. This applies to all types of diabetic nephropathy.
(6) Astragalus, corn, glutinous rice root 30 grams, fried glutinous rice 10 grams. Jianshui tea, fractional service. 1 day, do not interrupt, even for 3 months. Medication should be regularly checked during the urine routine, if the disappearance of urinary protein, the first 4 months can be separated by l ~ 2 days a service. Less protein in urine for six months, the amount of service for more than a year. For Qi-diabetic nephropathy, Zheng Jian Shenpi fatigue, pale complexion minimalist, urinary protein in the course of time.
(7) Kochia scoparia 15 grams, leech powder 3 to 5 grams (into the capsule), yam 30 grams, 15 grams of dodder, Astragalus 30 grams, 18 grams of Poria, raspberry 15 grams. In addition to leech powder, the more than 6 herbs decoction 2 times, concoction 300 ml, sooner or later divided into fasting. Leeches powder into the capsule, 2 times delivery service. Applicable to kidney deficiency type diabetic nephropathy, Zheng Jian back pain limb soft, Shenpi fatigue, urine protein. Attention to eating habits, not overeating on the body is not good, easy to get gastrointestinal diseases.

(8) Astragalus 45 grams, 25 grams of red peony, Chuanxiong, Angelica, Gallus gallus domesticus, 15 grams of each herb, peach kernel, safflower, rhubarb 6 grams, 30 grams of Loranthaceae. For blood stasis type diabetic nephropathy, Zheng Jian urinary protein, fatigue, pale complexion and so on


Knowledge of Kidney Disease

Knowledge of Kidney Disease
Regardless of which type of kidney disease patients, most of them are due to not achieve effective prevention and control of infection and disease. Nephrotic patients before the onset of the majority of acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis and upper respiratory tract infection history, the majority of patients every time the infection, fever exacerbations. Life is the most common cause of holding back urine is one of the factors, long-term holding back urine is not only easy to cause bladder injury, urine retention in the bladder for a long time also easily lead to bacterial reproduction, once the reflux back to the ureter and kidneys, the toxic substances will Resulting in kidney infection, causing urinary tract infection, kidney disease or even uremia.

envirnmental factor

Adverse environmental effects can also lead to multiple nephropathy, which is in need of attention in peacetime. Such as cold, damp, wading rain, strenuous exercise, staying up late caused by overwork will cause the body's own immune function and disease resistance decreased in other physical and chemical factors, heavy metals and other harmful substances under the effect of renal cell damage will Induced nephropathy.

Mental factors

If a person in a long period of over-depressed state of mind, it is very easy to cause kidney disease invasion. Mental factors also lead to nephropathy and progression of the disease can not be ignored a cause.

Use of nephrotoxic drugs
Gentamicin, kanamycin and streptomycin, etc., which is the cause of nephritis. Because the kidney is an important detoxification of human organs, particularly vulnerable to the impact of nephrotoxic drugs, nephrotic patients should pay more attention to these drugs.

Immune factors
Immune disorders lead to a variety of disease invasion risk factors, kidney disease is easy in the case of immune disorders of the disease. This is one of the most common causes of pathologic studies and the most direct cause of glomerular damage. When pathogens invade the body, the body's defense system will produce antibodies against these pathogens, but in the process of antibody resistance to pathogens, some immune complex deposition in the glomerular filtration membrane can cause renal cell damage, necrosis, and thus Incidence.

From the above, the cause of kidney disease is particularly large, therefore, we need to actively protect their normal kidney health, eliminate the adverse effects of these risk factors. So as to maximize the prevention of kidney attack, reduce the health hazards caused by kidney disease.

Diabetic nephropathy, I can eat meat

Diabetic nephropathy, I can eat meat?

Diabetic nephropathy in patients with more complex, can not directly refer to the above, need to consult a nutritionist to determine.

Diabetic nephropathy patients always "special treatment", in fact, there is a reason: diabetic nephropathy, often need low-protein diet.

Low-protein diet is Gesha? But also how to do? After reading the article today we will understand.

Tips, because the diabetic nephropathy low-protein diet is complex, today's article is relatively long, we have to have patience to read oh ~

Diabetic nephropathy to low-protein diet?
If the development of diabetes to a certain extent, got diabetic nephropathy, it means that the function of the kidney has caused some damage.

And the final metabolites of proteins need to be excreted from the kidneys, in order to reduce the burden on the kidneys, delay renal dysfunction, we need to limit food intake of protein.

If the kidney function is not good, and not limit the protein, so that the kidneys "injury" for high-intensity work, then, like a damaged kid in the ox pulling carts, it is easy to get tired to get on the ground.

Therefore, low-protein diets need to run through the entire course of treatment of diabetic nephropathy.

Low-protein diet is to eat less meat?
Doctors often tell patients with diabetic nephropathy:
Meal to eat; meat can eat, but not too much ... ...
This paragraph of words to listen to down, just think that under what should eat less, life has become sad reminder.

In fact, "low-protein diet" argument is not complete, because the front also missed the word "quality."

Do not underestimate the word, which determines the choice of food strategy: the total protein control under the premise of which half of the protein needs from animal foods, that is, lean meat, poultry, fish, shrimp and dairy products .

Food protein amino acids closer to the human body, essential amino acids, the higher the overall absorption rate. Which is the top egg, milk, fish, poultry, meat.

Therefore, the total protein control in the premise, the quality of the protein in the food should be high, in order to more efficient use of limited protein.

How much protein do I need each day?
Usually the doctor will tell patients with chronic kidney disease is a period of different stages of patients, protein intake is also different.

In patients with stage 1 and 2 chronic kidney disease, protein intake was 0.8 g / kg bw / day, whereas Phase 3, 4 and 5 needed to be reduced to 0.6 g / kg body weight. Acid preparations.

Let's give an example:
A 60 kg of diabetic nephropathy, if a period or 2, then the daily intake of 48 grams of protein;
While the same 3, 4 or 5 of the patients, you can only eat 36 grams.

This gap of 12 grams of protein, which is equivalent to 5 shrimp or 400 mL of milk. Which difference is not small, we must pay attention.

How to achieve a low-protein diet?

In general, low-protein diet is: to ensure that meat, reduce the amount of cereals, fruits and vegetables. The specific approach can follow the following three steps.

1. Calculate the total
Just now and we have said, we need to determine how much protein every day according to renal function, we can according to the disease, according to the limit to calculate.

Of course, a more convenient option is to nutrition, nutritionist to calculate.

2. Determine the amount of meat dishes
Determine how much protein to eat every day, then how to choose food is the problem. Because the low-protein diet requires half of the protein from high-quality protein, so you know how much meat to eat every day.

We have to ensure that each meal has high-quality protein, that is, meat, eggs, poultry, fish, milk.

For example:

Breakfast: milk 200 mL (protein 6 grams)

Chinese food: shrimp 10 (protein 10 grams)

Dinner: small yellow croaker 1 (protein 10 grams) + 25 grams of meat (protein 5 grams)

This already has 31 grams of protein.

3. staple food, vegetables and fruits
A weight of 60 kg of diabetic kidney disease in patients with a day 48 grams of protein, lose the above 31 grams, there are 17 grams can be assigned to the staple food, vegetables and fruits.

Staple food: a small bowl of rice protein is about 4 grams, so the lunch and dinner can eat a small bowl of rice. While the other staple food (noodles, wonton, buckwheat, corn) protein than rice, food consumption minus 1/2 to 1/3.

Vegetables: beans (beans, peas, beans, concanavalin, pea sprouts, bean sprouts, etc.), yam, broccoli, bamboo shoots, lily, potatoes, sweet potato protein content of more than 3 grams / 100 grams, so try to avoid or Reduce consumption. If consumed, the staple food needs to be reduced. Recommended for consumption of green leafy vegetables.

Fruit: The protein content of the fruit can be neglected.

How to make a delicious low-protein diet?
Chinese people grow up eating rice, reduce the rice will make people feel very uncomfortable. Do not worry, there are two ways to allow patients with diabetic nephropathy to continue to enjoy rice at the same time, but also a low-protein diet.

1. Selection of low-protein rice
The rice protein in the ordinary rice only 1/10 ~ 1/25, so eat this rice without reducing the consumption, but also can be appropriate to increase the amount of some meat dishes.

The downside is that the price is more expensive. Fortunately, the domestic production of low-protein rice manufacturers gradually increased, so the price is likely to decline in the future.

2. Selection of low protein content, high starch content of cereals as the staple food
This kind of staple food, you can arrange for 1 to 2 meals in the meal. These low protein content of cereals are: wheat starch (Cheng powder), corn starch, lotus root starch, Fenpi.

Which can be made of wheat starch, wheat starch potato cake, wheat starch crystal dumplings, wheat starch leek steamed dumplings, wheat starch noodles. There are now on the market of wheat starch biscuits, low-protein diet can choose to snacks.

Outside to eat, how to do?
Be sure to take your current diet, tell friends or family to eat together, so they will be able to better meet, do not be embarrassed to say.

Meal, the amount of meat dishes than usual more than 1/3, but not more than 1 times. Fans pot, crystal shrimp dumplings, potatoes can replace the staple food. In addition to beans, other vegetables and fruits can be enjoyed with friends and family together.

These details should also be noted
Low-protein diet requires long-term adherence, and some details require special attention. include:
Ensuring enough energy: Enough energy intake is a prerequisite for effective protein use. Therefore, before the implementation of low-protein diet, both doctors and patients should go to nutrition clinics to allow nutritionists to determine your energy intake.

Weighing regularly: regular measurement of body weight can keep abreast of their nutritional status.

Regular monitoring of renal function, electrolytes: Understanding of low-protein diet on renal function and electrolyte effects.

Regular monitoring of albumin and prealbumin: understanding their body protein synthesis and nutritional status.

Of course, has been and we say the same, if the diabetic patients with kidney disease, and occasionally eat rice, beans, etc., do not need excessive self-blame, as long as the next meal attention to appropriate reduction is like.

After all, we got diabetes, but can not be deprived of the right to enjoy life, you say?

Kidney pseudoscience "list: the top four influence

Kidney pseudoscience "list: the top four influence
"Pseudo-science" is disgusting, because they are always known as "science", "Hello" in the name of widespread, confusing and seditious, really three into a tiger, said many people on the It is believed to be science!

Insiders look at the doorway, lay people watch! Today, kidney on the line for everyone to break the widely circulated 4 "pseudoscientific kidney disease." These "pseudoscience" widely circulated among the kidney friends, causing a lot of people's problems, and even some kidney friends pay a huge price.

All kidney disease will have uremia

This is the most ridiculous of a false proposition!

If I changed --- everyone will get uremia! Say that a little better. I said is including healthy people, patients with kidney disease, other patients, everybody, every one!

are you crazy?

No, because you have to believe that kidney disease patients will have uremia, then I tell you, might as well believe that everyone will have uremia.

Normal to 40 years of age, renal function is declining year by year, in theory, about a year glomerular filtration rate will be reduced by about 1ml / min (decline rate of individual differences), when our glomerular filtration rate decreased to 15ml / Min or less, medically known as end-stage renal failure, which is what we said uremia.

Then we calculate, a healthy person, if the glomerular filtration rate to 40 years of age is 90ml / min, annual glomerular filtration rate decreased 1ml / min speed, down to only 15ml / min, need 75 Year, which is 115 years old, the kidneys on the failure.

See it? As long as live long enough, our kidneys will eventually lose function, will have uremia! The question is, what does that mean to us? Simply no sense, because everyone will die of old age, so that is equal to put a ass, said nothing.

That back to kidney patients, many people since suffering from kidney disease later, with "this life waiting for drugs," "6 characters bolt death of their own lives, like the suffering suffered by the same big self-pity is no longer happy .

And this statement is like a spell as the winding around each kidney in the head of friends, which have to worship many of our network of false information given, they create such a panic, is to allow the kidneys messy, They slaughtered in the bowl. Lack of disease education, so that the kidneys to be slaughtered lamb, despite mercy!

I hope the kidney on the line of all kidney friends, put their own disease concept, through standardized treatment, most of our kidney friends can get good control, to achieve clinical remission also means that we can like normal people, have the same Of the decline in renal function, unhurried, leisurely to the old.

Renal puncture can cause very serious sequelae

Renal biopsy as a diagnostic index of renal medicine, its status plays a decisive role.

However, "kidney puncture is a hole in the body, there will be a very serious sequelae," such terrorist comments widely circulated in the circle of the kidney. More some of their own experiences "since the puncture, my waist no longer straight up."

So many patients need to be necessary to carry out kidney wear because people have heard these words and hesitant.

I once met a young woman in the ward, nephrotic syndrome, the local doctor suggested to do the renal biopsy, because of fear and did not agree, then went to a private "old Chinese medicine" treatment for several months, I was in the hospital, Has liver failure, kidney failure. The concept of errors, resulting in a series of errors in the direction of treatment.

Kidney puncture, development to today, is already a mature technology, take a few million units on the kidney dozens, and will not affect our renal function, surgery, back pain and other discomfort, basically 1 month About time can be fully restored. In some cases, the puncture to bring the guiding value, is not replaced by other common tests, when your doctor suggested that you should kidney wear, please do not let the "pseudoscience" rumor as your main basis for judging.
Nephropathy patients need to use hormones

Hormone is a very important drug in the field of nephropathy, but not all patients with kidney disease need to use hormones, nor is it only the use of hormones is good for patients with kidney disease.

More helpless, because these views, some of our patients even have such distress, "Western medicine to know to use hormones, so I do not want to see Western medicine," "how do you not give me hormones, useless hormones better. "

Hormone is a double-edged sword, it is a good type of kidney disease, such as minor lesions. At the same time, it has a lot of side effects, may cause serious infections, changes in appearance, diabetes, osteoporosis and so on.

Should not be used, how to use, how to weigh the pros and cons, which require a set of standardized measures!

You need to do is to follow the recommendations of regular doctors, with their own doctors!

Friends of the kidney can not eat bean products

Any of the ordinary people, is a healthy food, then, for the kidneys, it does not exist absolutely can not eat.

This is our repeated teach you the concept of healthy food, with good is king! Choose for their own, is a good food!

Although there are always advocated "Do not eat **, will destroy the kidneys," "eat ***, good for the kidney," such remarks, but mostly without any basis of the craps, a closer look, you can Found that they put it, can not get any decent tricky research.

Take soybeans, there is no study that eating soy will increase kidney disease, on the contrary, there are many studies have shown that moderate to eat soybeans, soy products, good for patients with kidney disease.

Take this study published in this year's kidney disease authority magazine "CJASN"

The study included 15,285 patients with chronic kidney disease, the results are: a healthy diet, that eat more fruits and vegetables, fish, beans, cereals, whole grains and dietary fiber, eat red meat, sodium, Can make the early mortality rate reduced by 20-30%.

Let's take a look at the Chinese food pagoda:

Soybean as a source of high-quality protein, why always repeatedly wronged people do? Can not high-protein diet, or need low-protein diet kidney friends, eat just right!

This article, want to say is not just injustice bean products, there are a lot of healthy food, being ridiculed by the innocent! Have to get kidney friends are malnourished only happy, Andhra what the heart?

I hope you learn the correct concept of eating, rather than blindly eat some healthy food to achieve kidney disease diet!

Patients with kidney disease diet to remember

Patients with kidney disease diet to remember the "three less one more" principle
Near the New Year, more and more people could not hold their own, and now the most asked on the platform is what I can eat? What should I eat? New Year I can eat ... ...?

A lot of kidney Friends of luck, feel eat nothing, but ignored the improper diet will increase the burden on the kidney problem. Some patients because of the cold winter, ignoring their own kidney problems began to eat and drink to resist the cold, so it is easy to lead to excessive intake of protein or fat, salt and other foods cause kidney disease increased.

Therefore, the winter diet in patients with kidney disease should be "less than three", eat high-salt, high protein, high-fat foods, and more intake of fresh seasonal vegetables.
"Three less one more"

Low-salt diet such as hypertension associated with salt intake should be more limited to control the normal intake of salt in one-half or one-third.

Low protein When the plasma albumin content decreased, more consumption of protamine, such as lean meat, fish, eggs and soy products. When the blood urea nitrogen content has been increased, there is uremia tendency, should eat low-protein diet, control of plant protein intake.

Low fat to prevent hyperlipidemia, hyperlipidemia can cause arteriosclerosis and glomerular damage, sclerosis and so on.

Fruits and vegetables because these foods in the body metabolism, produce water and carbon dioxide, will not increase the burden on the kidneys. At the same time Yichi with vitamins, especially rich in vitamin C, carotene, riboflavin and the like of fresh vegetables and fruits.
Besides that……

For patients with chronic kidney disease, not only to try to eat high-salt, high protein, high-fat foods, but also pay attention to limit phosphorus intake, especially those with poor renal function. Broth, animal offal, high phosphorus nuts, to eat less.
Urine less patients to limit the intake of potassium, eat less citrus, bananas, potatoes and so on.

Kidney disease patients should not eat preserved eggs and pepper and other irritating ingredients such as food and spices, should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
Kidney disease diet "three little more than one" Do you remember it? If there is any doubt on the diet, feel free to leave a message, we will answer for you, waiting for you ......

Kidney disease gradually become children "invisible killer" indiscriminate use of drugs Beware of "kidney injury"

In recent years, the incidence of pediatric nephropathy was increasing year by year, only 11 years of age, 12-year-old child uremic patients is not uncommon. The country's 360 million children, there are about 300 million children with kidney disease, thousands of children each year progress to chronic renal failure.

Experts pointed out that acute nephritis and nephrotic syndrome is the most common kidney disease in children, but as long as the early diagnosis and treatment, treatment is better than adults. "Once the end-stage of children to the need for alternative treatment, such as dialysis treatment, kidney transplantation, not only expensive, and life-threatening." Pediatric disease diagnosis and treatment center, Fuzhou General Hospital, director of pediatrics Yuzhua chief physician to remind parents.

Genetic, infection and so can induce children with kidney disease, kidney disease or affect children to adulthood

Children with acute kidney injury are underestimated. Professor Liang Min, deputy director of the National Center for Renal Disease Clinical Research Center, deputy director of the Department of Nephrology, Nanfang Hospital, reported that the prevalence of childhood chronic kidney disease (CKD) is very low, about 15.0 ~ 74.7 per million. The incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) in children was also significantly different, ranging from 8% to 89%.

"Recently, we led the organization to complete the 'Chinese hospitalized patients with acute kidney injury epidemiological investigation,'" said Liang Min, preliminary results show that hospitalized children with acute kidney injury incidence rate of about 18%. From this, the past, the incidence of acute kidney injury in children and the burden of disease was seriously underestimated, and there is insufficient knowledge of acute renal injury, in clinical part of the acute renal injury was missed.

Children suffer from kidney disease for many reasons. Unlike adult chronic kidney disease, children with chronic kidney disease is the main cause of congenital and hereditary abnormalities. So far, more than 150 genes have been found to regulate kidney development or to specifically regulate the function of small globules and tubules.

Liang Min introduced, in addition to congenital, there are some non-kidney disease in children with complications caused by secondary renal injury. Some infectious diseases can lead to kidney involvement, and promote the death of children. All kinds of primary, secondary glomerulonephritis is also an important reason for children's kidney health. We passed the pathological analysis of renal tissue and found that children are the most common glomerulonephritis is minimal change nephropathy, followed by Henoch-Schonlein purpura nephritis and IgA nephritis. The main risk factors of children with acute kidney injury include: pneumonia in children, congenital heart disease, major cardiac surgery, primary glomerulonephritis, neonatal asphyxia and low birth weight.

In addition, children suffering from kidney disease for many reasons, in addition to their immune dysfunction, infection and other factors, but also with the bad habits and ways of life. Such as high protein, salt, eating too much, eating too much health care products, drug abuse, excessive obesity, long-term sedentary, holding back urine.

Some adult kidney disease in children has been planted seeds. Liang Min pointed out that childhood kidney disease may lead to adult chronic kidney disease, failed to have a good control of renal disease gradually progress to the risk of renal failure. A large number of data show that adults with hypertension, proteinuria and chronic kidney disease in childhood has existed, and some even as early as intrauterine and perinatal already exist.

Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital, director of nephropathy Tang Fu pointed out that adult kidney disease is closely related with childhood, found from some adult kidney disease patients, many people have been planted in childhood root causes. Therefore, children with kidney disease need to actively and properly treated, and in the process of children's growth and close observation and follow-up. Tang Fu said, "In a small time to find kidney disease, timely treatment, to adulthood when the disease will be much lighter." Because the child's recovery ability than adults.

Urine, color Doppler ultrasound examination can identify children with early kidney disease, more than 90% of renal disease can be found by urine

Children with nephropathy, unlike the common cold, fever in children is so common, but it is indeed a great harm to the child one of the diseases. Part of the disease in children with nephropathy hidden, not easy to be found, if the parents do not have enough attention, the child is often checked out may have reached the stage of chronic renal failure. Chronic renal failure is divided into five, in the first four, children can choose drug treatment, once into the fifth period, which is the end stage, you must choose renal replacement therapy.

How to identify early childhood kidney disease? Tang Shuifu stressed that parents, especially family history, should be concerned about the child's kidney health, from childhood should be screened as early as possible, diagnosis and treatment, usually pay more attention to whether the shape of the urine changes, eyelid edema, abnormal color of urine, foam Urine, unexplained fatigue, anemia and so may be the performance of chronic kidney disease.

Yu Zihua suggested that parents as long as careful observation, or can find some traces of kidney disease. First, mild swelling of the eyelids and early morning (such as perineal) edema, or sedentary for a long time after the dorsal edema, swollen fingers, etc .; Second, the urine after the bubble pool was significantly increased, and after a long time Can not subside. Third, visible hematuria and microscopic microscopic hematuria can be found under the microscope, these are prompted kidney disease is an important signal.

Urine routine screening is the "gold standard" for kidney disease screening. Clinical data show that children with abnormal urine rate of 1%. Kidney disease can be expressed as early hematuria, proteinuria, clinical urine is usually used to check the appearance of hematuria, proteinuria and the amount, as evaluation of renal involvement in children, to determine the prognosis of one of the indicators. More than 90% of kidney disease, can be found through routine urinalysis disease, commonly used in acute glomerulonephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, hereditary kidney disease and other diseases.

In addition, by renal ultrasound, can show the location of the kidney, size, shape, internal structure, but also observe the kidney and its surrounding various lesions, no pain, no trauma, is the ideal method of examination. Since the first application of percutaneous nephrolithotomy in 1951, the improvement of the puncture needle and the increased accuracy of image localization have made renal biopsy a routine examination for kidney disease.

Liang Min also recommended: 1. Conventional prenatal fetal ultrasound can be found in many urinary system abnormalities. 2. A careful understanding of family history of kidney disease, some kidney disease has a clear genetic and family history; if necessary, genetic testing confirmed. 3. To carry out proteinuria, hematuria and urinary tract infection screening, children's physical examination should increase the urine test items. 4. Some special children, such as low birth weight children, premature children are kidney disease, high blood pressure and other diseases of high-risk groups, the need for these children focus on long-term monitoring and prevention of kidney disease; should avoid the use of nephrotoxic drugs.

Indiscriminate use of antipyretic analgesics, beware of children with kidney disease

Children are very common cold fever, many parents will be free to the children to eat some cold medicine. But Liang reminded that some antipyretic analgesics on children with side effects, and some with strong renal toxicity of antibiotics, as well as Chinese herbal medicine can cause liver and kidney damage, once the indiscriminate use of the child will bring irreversible kidney disease.

Note gentamicin and other nephrotoxic drugs. Liang Min pointed out that the clinical can see a variety of drugs used improperly or overdose and "kidney injury" of small patients. Many parents like their children when they are sick medication, such as antibiotics from the purchase itself is also more common. Does not know that children with kidney development is not perfect, and its function is different from adults, some of the renal toxicity of drugs if used a little longer or slightly larger, it may cause acute renal injury in children, the baby grow up, easy to develop For chronic kidney disease.

Liang Min, the most common nephrotoxic drugs are: aminoglycoside antibiotics (such as gentamicin), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (antipyretic analgesics), antineoplastic drugs, diuretics and so on. Some Chinese herbal medicines have also been shown to have nephrotoxicity. These include Chinese herbal medicines containing aristolochic acid, such as Guanmutong, Angelica sinensis, Radix Fragaria, Aromaticum, and Manna Pills, Longdanxiegan Pills, . Tripterygium preparation can cause liver, kidney, blood system and reproductive system damage, prohibit the use of children.

Can not superstitious medicine remedies. Yu also reminded, do not superstitious medicine prescriptions. The so-called recipe, there are three cases: First, the accumulation of experience passed down. Some remedies, although some cases have been cured, but its treatment mechanism need to use modern medical knowledge and methods to be confirmed; the second is some symptomatic, rather than the root of the problem; Third, some even fake. Nephrotic syndrome, different causes, different clinical types, the nature and severity of the lesion is different, the treatment method can not be the same, with a recipe to treat all kidney disease is obviously not correct.

Children with kidney disease should be selected to do a large hospital standard treatment, not free to self-withdrawal

For children with kidney disease, should choose regular large hospitals to receive regular treatment until the nature and extent of disease diagnosis and then consider the treatment program. Yu pointed out that most of the delay to the end of the cases are in the early stages of illness did not receive standardized treatment.

At present, many large hospitals are lack of experience in diagnosis and treatment of children with kidney disease, because of long-term treatment, and the high cost of many children parents can only give up treatment. Yu Zihua suggested that children kidney disease diagnosis process and standardization and individual treatment, should make every effort to pediatric renal biopsy, kidney disease pathological diagnosis, kidney disease gene diagnosis, pediatric dialysis and pediatric kidney transplantation 5 technology platform, the creation of pediatric kidney disease Specialist out-patient, and the establishment of pediatric nephropathy registration and follow-up system to improve the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric kidney disease level. In particular, the use of molecular genetics and human genomics technology, congenital nephrotic syndrome and hormone-resistant nephrotic syndrome, hemolytic uremic syndrome gene mutation analysis of genetic diagnosis.

"At present, the world's main drug treatment of kidney disease or hormones, although there are some side effects of hormones, but often with the disease remission, hormones gradually reduced and even reduce the gradually disappear." Yu said, many parents lack of understanding of hormone therapy, Random withdrawal, but also artificially caused the child's condition repeated.

For children suffering from kidney disease, the daily life of how to carry out scientific care? First Affiliated Hospital of Peking University, head of the kidney professional Jia Yujing stressed "how to take medicine to prevent infection (including hand hygiene), measuring weight, record access" four. Second, the dose must be accurate (dropper, syringe, divider); again, the child should not be said to drink sugar syrup or sugar to eat. Special drugs to be a good medicine to pay attention to what? Follow the treatment plan, not self - withdrawal .If you forget to take medicine, do not just fill the service, can not be taken together with the two drugs.

Liang Min suggested that parents should have a clear understanding of kidney disease, check the results a little unusual, do not need excessive tension and panic, to maintain an optimistic attitude to face. Also, proper exercise, strengthen the child's resistance, children with kidney disease are afraid of a cold, do not suspicion of kidney disease does not exercise all day to rest or even ask the child in bed, so resistance is even worse, the body but negative.

Yu also reminded, parents should be as little as possible to sick children to crowded public places, do not have contact with infected people, go out wearing masks, pay attention to well-being, suspend vaccination. Second, the diet should be treated differently. If appetite is not good, to enhance appetite; if severe edema is not subsided, there are high blood pressure, should be limited to water and the low-fat diet, such as fish, Salt intake, until the swelling subsided.

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Children with hematuria to prevent inherited progressive glomerulonephritis

"Because there is no specific symptoms of self-feeling, Alport syndrome is often overlooked, the public awareness is low, while doctors also need to raise awareness, if you encounter hematuria, proteinuria in children, should think of the possibility of this disease as soon as possible Related examination to early diagnosis. "Peking University First Hospital, vice president, pediatric Professor Ding Jie said that if early screening of urine screening, Alport syndrome can also be early detection, early diagnosis.

According to Peking University First Hospital pediatrics associate professor Wang Fang introduced, Alport syndrome, also known as hereditary progressive glomerulonephritis, the clinical manifestations in the kidney, including hematuria, proteinuria and so on. In addition, the patient will appear some "extrarenal" performance, such as sensorineural hearing loss and eye abnormalities, including maculopathy, retinopathy. Alport syndrome patients tend to develop in young adulthood (20 to 30 years) to end-stage renal disease, and therefore poor prognosis. Kidney transplantation is an effective treatment for Alport syndrome patients with end stage renal disease.

Ding Jie said that in terms of treatment, despite the current lack of radical treatment of Alport syndrome, but can use some drugs such as angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor antagonists and aldosterone inhibitors to reduce urinary protein levels, Delay the progression of the disease.

"To improve the awareness of patients with Alport syndrome, awareness and diagnostic tools, early diagnosis is more important, clear after diagnosis to avoid the use of some unnecessary drugs such as hormones, a variety of immunosuppressive agents, reduce family financial burden and drug side effects. "Ding Jie said that as a genetic disease, Alport syndrome is still not prevent. However, with the diagnostic level or means to improve, especially the popularity of genetic diagnosis, the future can be prenatal and postnatal care, prenatal genetic diagnosis, to avoid the birth of children.

Kidney disease is called "silent killer"! These circumstances, we must pay attention to

Kidney disease is called "silent killer". Sometimes even if the kidney is injured, you may also feel no.

In fact, one out of every 10 people in our country suffer from kidney disease! According to the latest published in the international top medical journal "Lancet" on a study reported that the prevalence of adult chronic kidney disease in China up to 10.8%.
Kidney very delicate, very vulnerable to injury, daily habits What is the most kidney injury? May wish to look at the list of injuries kidney behavior it, you must have committed!

Ten kinds of behavior of kidney injury

1, stay up all night

Yes, the first is staying up all night! In addition to well-known stay up late liver injury, stay up late will hurt the kidney. Sunset and sunrise and make the best way of living, sleep at night not later than 11 points, but modern people is difficult to do.

2, drug abuse

Some drugs on the kidney damage is very serious, and some painkillers on the kidney damage is very large.

3, remedies, health products

In Taiwan, the incidence of chronic kidney disease is high, and local people may love to eat folk remedies, health care related. Some so-called "supplementary protein powder, improve the resistance" of the health care products are likely to lead to excessive protein intake, to bring the burden of the kidneys.

4, overworked

Intensive work lead to physical fatigue, which lead to kidney deficiency symptoms. Second, excessive use of the brain, a huge work pressure and life stress can not lead to mental relaxation, mental tired, but also easy to kidney injury.

5, excessive drinking

People say that alcohol body injury, often drinking is a kidney killer.

6, suddenly strenuous exercise

Busy long-term work does not exercise, sudden and violent exercise may cause excessive renal damage, severe acute renal failure will lead to.

7, eat salty, eat high-purine shabu-shabu

In winter, people like to eat hot pot, but eat more rinse the meat will hurt the kidney. High-purine, high-fat, high calorie intake of food too much, a long time, no matter how good the kidney will be tired. In fact, usually eat too salty, too sweet, too much oil, eat too much protein will increase the burden on the kidneys.

8, seafood on the beer

Many people like to drink beer on seafood, seafood products are high-protein food, containing purine and glycoside components, and beer mixed together, will produce excessive uric acid and urea nitrogen and other metabolites, increase the burden on the kidney, easily lead to hyperuricemia Disease, and even kidney stones, uremia.

9, often drink tea

Tea contains caffeine, a small amount can play the role of refreshing, if excessive intake will make blood flow, blood pressure. The body often contains a high concentration of caffeine, will bring a huge burden on the kidneys. In addition, the tea contains more tannic acid, easily combined with the body of iron into a insoluble substance can cause kidney stones.

10, pressure, irritability

Modern work, life pressure is great, "I am tired" will become a lot of people's mantra. These emotions will also hurt the kidneys.

Kidney injury "distress signal"

Kidney disease known as silent killer, but it is not without performance, but if you have these atypical symptoms, it may be your kidney in for help:

There is a foam in the urine

Healthy people urinate 4 to 6 times a day, urine output of about 1000 ml to 2500 ml, if excessive or too little urine output, or too many nights, the urine bubble, it should attract attention.

Body did not strength

Renal function is not good, a lot of waste is difficult to excrete from the urine out, there will be lack of energy, fatigue, fatigue and other feelings.


Patients with chronic kidney disease due to decreased renal excretion, renal hormone secretion and urinary protein loss, there Shuinazhuliu, causing eyelid and lower extremity edema.

Appetite is not good, nausea and vomiting

Chronic kidney disease patients will have a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms, especially after gastrointestinal edema, often without eating, abdominal distension and other symptoms of digestive disorders. Renal failure, blood urea nitrogen increased in the intestine for the decomposition of ammonia, to stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing nausea and vomiting.

Healthy people every six months to check the urine routine can be early detection of kidney disease. If there is early kidney disease, urine will be abnormal, then add a little more cost, check the renal function can be diagnosed.

Prevention of kidney deficiency develop three habits

Stay up late at night, the table can be prepared on the cup (about 20 grams a day wolfberry), but because it is very strong warm effect, is a fever, the body has inflammation, diarrhea, the best people do not eat.

Three points massage Waist: air sea cave in the navel under the two horizontal refers to Guanyuan points in the navel three horizontal refers to the daily press with the palm of your hand Anrou about 30 times. Shenshu points in the back belt and lumbar spine at the cross on the four cross-finger around every day with the palm of your hand about 100 times.

Morning and evening rubbing soles of the feet: Yongquan pressure by hand, so that soles of the feet fever, it is recommended sooner or later rub the soles of the feet 1, left and right foot by 100 times.

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