Treatment for
Kidney Disease
White /
creatinine (> 3.5 for nephropathy range proteinuria).
1. Urine protein
electrophoresis detection of increased urinary IgG components suggest low
urinary protein selectivity. Urinary protein selectivity has no definite
clinical value, is now less.
Hypoproteinemia: nephrotic syndrome is the second essential feature. Serum
albumin less than 30g / L. Nephrotic syndrome when the liver synthesis of
albumin increased, when the diet given enough protein and calories, the
patient's liver synthesis of albumin per day about 22.6g, 15.6g than normal
daily increase significantly. When the liver synthesis of albumin compensatory
role is not enough to make up for the loss of urinary protein, will appear
hypoproteinemia. Hypoalbuminemia and urinary protein excretion between the is
not entirely consistent.
1), patients
with nephrotic syndrome is usually negative nitrogen balance, high protein
load, can be transferred to positive nitrogen balance, high protein load may be
due to increased glomerular filtration protein excretion of urine protein, the
plasma protein Not obvious, but at the same time taking blood angiotensin
converting enzyme inhibitor, can prevent urinary protein excretion, serum
albumin concentration can be significantly increased.
2), it is
noteworthy that, hypoalbuminemia, the combination of drugs and albumin will be
reduced, free drug concentration in the blood, may increase the toxicity of
3), nephrotic
syndrome, a variety of plasma protein components can change, α2 and β globulin increased, α1 globulin and more normal. IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE levels were normal or
increased, fibrinogen, coagulation factors Ⅴ, Ⅶ, Ⅷ, Ⅹ can be elevated, may be associated with increased liver synthesis,
with increased platelet count, anticoagulation Blood enzyme Ⅲ (heparin-related factors) decreased, C
protein and S protein concentration more than normal or increased, but the
activity decreased. This will contribute to the occurrence of hypercoagulable
state. Urinary fibrin degradation products (FDP) increased, reflecting the
glomerular permeability changes. In short, blood coagulation and agglutination
of a variety of pre-factors are increased, and anti-coagulation and
fibrinolysis mechanism of damage. Due to the combined effects of
hypercholesterolemia and hyperfibrinogenemia, plasma viscosity increases and
spontaneous thrombosis occurs when the vascular endothelium is damaged.
4). In addition,
the transport protein is also reduced, such as carrying important metal ions
(copper, iron, zinc) protein decreased, and important hormones (thyroxine,
cortisol, prostaglandin) and active 25- (OH) D3 Of the protein also decreased,
which can lead to secondary hyperparathyroidism, calcium and phosphorus
metabolism disorders, lead to renal bone disease. Continuous reduction of
transferrin, the glucocorticoid in the treatment of patients with free and
combined hormone ratio changes, leading to the drug metabolism and efficacy
Hyperlipidemia The total cholesterol, triglyceride significantly increased, low
density lipoprotein (LDH), very low density lipoprotein (VLDH) levels.
Hyperlipidemia and hypoalbuminemia, LDL / HLDL only in serum albumin less than
10 ~ 20g / L when increased. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) normal or
decreased. LDL / HDL ratio increased, the occurrence of atherosclerotic
complications of increased risk, hyperlipidemia and thrombosis and progressive
glomerulosclerosis. Patients may have lipid urine, urine refraction of fat body
appears, may be cholesterol-containing epithelial cells or fat tube type.
4. edema of the
most noticeable symptoms of patients is gradually aggravated systemic edema,
the initial morning eyelid, facial, ankle edema; with the development of edema
affected the body and the emergence of pleural effusion, ascites, pericardial
effusion, mediastinal Fluid, scrotal or labia edema, pulmonary edema can also
occur. Severe eyes can not open, head and neck thicker, the skin can be waxy
pale, combined with the presence of chest and ascites, it appears obvious
difficulty breathing, can not be supine only sitting position. If there is skin
damage, the organization of fluid overflow and difficult to stop. Edema and postural
relations, such as the emergence of postural edema, should not be suspected and
venous thrombosis. The severity of edema is generally associated with the
degree of hypoalbuminemia. Is generally believed that edema is caused by a
large number of proteinuria plasma protein (especially albumin) decreased
plasma colloid osmotic pressure decreased intravascular water to the tissue gap
caused by the move. Another that the intrinsic edema and primary renal sodium
and water retention, the possible factors are:
① glomerular filtration rate decreased;
② tubular reabsorption increased;
③ distal tubule on plasma atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) decreased
ability to respond.