
Patients with kidney disease can not eat soy products? What are the considerations

For many diseases, not only for end-stage renal disease, can cure is good early disease, because the general symptoms of early disease is not very obvious, the human body is very small violations, so it will be more clinically easy The treatment of some, but also in the early treatment of the disease, the probability of cure is much higher than in the late, in the early and mid-kidney disease, life considerations, especially diet considerations to control the development of the disease is very important .


Limit protein intake, usually about 30 grams per day. Can eat more potato, potatoes, milk, eggs, etc., eat less fish, rice.

Patients with kidney disease can not eat soy products? Beans are nutritious and close to animal proteins
Although beans are a kind of plant food, but its essential amino acids in protein, in the number and proportion are close to the animal protein. Beans food protein content of up to 35% to 40%, of which soybean protein is the best plant quality protein. Not only that, soy is also rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron and B vitamins.
Therefore: kidney disease patients can moderate consumption of legumes
Kidney disease diet should control the total intake of protein, and animal protein and vegetable protein food should be eaten together. Soybeans, large green beans and black beans and other high-quality protein, the decomposition of essential amino acids are necessary for the body to synthesize anabolic, you can eat but pay attention to the amount.
Beans should be taken as part of the total protein intake, dialysis patients should not exceed the total 1/3, so good for renal function.
Nephrotic syndrome, protein intake per day is best in about 40 to 50 grams; renal dysfunction, uremic patients and renal failure, the daily intake of plant protein and animal protein does not exceed 40 grams. If it is end-stage renal disease patients, should be more stringent restrictions.


Clinical diagnosis shows that uremia can be treated, even to the uremia period, but after kidney transplantation or dialysis, can return to normal family life and work, the prognosis will be better, so patients should establish confidence , To maintain an optimistic and positive confidence.


Kidney experts recommend that older people over the age of 65 should be checked 1-2 times per year of renal function, if the patient has been diagnosed with chronic nephritis, but also need to do regular renal function tests. Because it can develop into uremia, which is timely found that chronic uremia has a great advantage.


To avoid taking drugs on renal damage, so as not to promote increased renal failure.


Try to reduce the intensity of work, if there uremia symptoms, in addition to timely treatment, but also need bed rest.
Daily life to actively do uremia care work, neglect of nutrition therapy. Uremia is not terrible, have the right attitude to treat the disease, adhere to treatment, pay attention to diet, will restore a normal body work and life ~

Chronic kidney disease patients with end-stage dialysis should be fully under the premise of increasing the quality of protein and energy intake, due to high protein content of natural foods, but low phosphorus content of food at the same time, so dialysis friends in the selection of ingredients when the need for attention Reasonable with, try to meet the high protein and low phosphorus dietary principles, but also can select some artificial processing of low phosphorus protein supplements to meet the nutritional needs while avoiding hyperphosphatemia and calcium and phosphorus metabolism disorders and other complications, improve life quality.



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