
Patients with kidney disease can eat soy products do

Patients with kidney disease can eat soy products do
Q: I suffer from chronic kidney disease, has been circulating in the folk, "kidney disease should not eat soy products," saying, I would like to know in the end suffering from kidney disease can eat "beans"?
A: The main component of soy is soybeans, soy protein-rich foods, and the content is not less than animal protein. The source of human protein is amino acids, medicine can not be synthesized by the body's own synthesis or lack of amino acids called essential amino acids.

Many have the "avoid 'beans' point of view of the doctor that: soybeans contain non-essential amino acids more, and meat contains more essential amino acids, so the animal protein is also known as high-quality protein, for Kidney disease patients should eat this high-quality protein diet.
In fact, studies have confirmed that: in addition to methionine content of soybean protein is slightly lower, the rest of the essential amino acid composition ratio with the whole protein and protein contained in pork close to, is a high-quality protein. For kidney disease patients, soybeans and other soy products are edible.

Of course, due to high protein diet will aggravate the deterioration of renal function, kidney disease diet is the general principle of quality low-protein diet, that is to control the total protein intake, so eat "beans" is limited. In general, patients with nephrotic syndrome protein intake per day is best controlled at 40-50 grams, renal insufficiency in patients with no more than 40 grams per day. In this context, patients with kidney disease may be appropriate to eat some soy products, you can also choose to eat more concentrated concentrations of soy milk, tofu and so on.



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